Imhotep A. Wallace

"I Made This"

"I Made This" is a side-scrolling shoot-'em-up with a unique grabbing & throwing mechanic. The backstory is that of a mad scientist who shows off his latest and greatest invention by using it to destroy the lairs of his peers. (WILL TAKE TIME TO LOAD.)
  • Designed & Programmed by Imhotep Wallace
  • Art by Sean Garrett & Aaron Tucker
  • "Singularity" by Dr. Steel
  • "Mercy" by TV on the Radio
  • "ambiguous" by GARNiDELiA
  • "Before my body is dry" by Mika Kobayashi
  • Movement & Aiming

  • Up, Down, Left, Right: WSAD
  • Aiming: Mouse Cursor Position
  • Primary Fire: LClick
  • Grab Beam: RClick (without power-up)
  • Power-up Fire: RClick
  • Power-Ups

  • Big Ball Blast: Large, slow-moving beam that destroys enemies and their bullets
  • Back Fire: Shoots behind you